Virtual tour of the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford: Fluids lab

Fluids Lab
Fluids Lab
Equipment includes 3 flumes, 2 wind tunnels, a Pelton wheel turbine, Francis turbine and 3 Hilton refrigeration rigs.
The wind tunnels were new in summer 2016, following refurbishment of the lab in the previous year.
Activities include:
- Thermofluids lab: a 2nd year lab consisting of two sets of experiments; one fluid mechanics involving air flow past model circular cylinders and aerofoils, and the other concerned with a practical refrigeration cycle. Both experiments are concerned with thermo-fluid processes that involve energy flows and energy conservation.
- 3rd year Hydraulics lab: To confirm the theory relating to the flow under a sluice gate, and the associated hydraulic jump, in a rectangular channel.
- Turbomachinery CAD coursework module using the Francis turbine. Evaluating the turbine efficiency for calculated runner blade angles (inlet and outlet), for a given operating condition. Evaluating the mechanism for controlling the guide vane angles.
- Fluids coursework module using the Pelton wheel turbine.

The Fluids lab in the 1960s