Virtual tour of the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford: Energy Lab

Energy Lab
Energy Lab
One of the problems of an ever-expanding Department is that we are always short of space. So when this laboratory was refurbished in 2016, it was designed to be flexible, so that it could be used for different purposes at different times of the year.
Although this room is called the Energy laboratory, it is only used for that purposes in Hilary term. At that time, the room is full of electrical machines and heat transfer experiments.
In Michaelmas term, it is the location of the Communications lab, where students experiment with transmission lines and modulation
In Trinity term, it is transformed into the Robotics laboratory, where students endeavour to program line-following robots. Even in the long vacation this room is used for Headstart and UNIQ summer schools, week-long outreach courses for potential new Engineering students.