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Mohammad Alsharid


Mohammad Alsharid BSc DPhil

Visiting Fellow


Mohammad Alsharid graduated from the University of Oxford with a DPhil in Engineering Science in 2022. His thesis was titled “Generating Textual Captions for Ultrasound Visuals in an Automated Fashion”. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Khalifa University and a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford. Alsharid’s current research work continues along the lines of his doctoral thesis and covers machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and the multi-modal interplay of these fields as well as their role in biomedical image analysis, specifically fetal ultrasound.

Most Recent Publications

Automated description and workflow analysis of fetal echocardiography in first-trimester ultrasound video scans

Automated description and workflow analysis of fetal echocardiography in first-trimester ultrasound video scans

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Gaze-assisted automatic captioning of fetal ultrasound videos using three-way multi-modal deep neural networks

Gaze-assisted automatic captioning of fetal ultrasound videos using three-way multi-modal deep neural networks

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A course-focused dual curriculum for image captioning

A course-focused dual curriculum for image captioning

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A curriculum learning based approach to captioning ultrasound images

A curriculum learning based approach to captioning ultrasound images

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Self-supervised contrastive video-speech representation learning for ultrasound

Self-supervised contrastive video-speech representation learning for ultrasound

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