Doctoral candidate in Engineering Science with the high speed turbomachinery group at Oxford Thermofluids Institute. Aravin is researching the scaling of turbine blade temperatures from laboratory conditions to real engine conditions. To do so he has built a high temperature test facility used for experimental work and also carries out computational fluid dynamics simulations to address the research goals.
Aravin completed a Masters of Research at the University of Cambridge in gas turbine aerodynamics and a joint Masters of Science and Masters of Engineering at the University of Liege and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in turbomachinery aeromechanics. Prior to this he completed a Bachelor of Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in aerospace engineering.
Research Interests
- Turbomachinery Aerodynamics
- Turbomachinery Heat Transfer and Cooling Technology
- Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity
- Experimental Measurement Techniques
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)