Oxford Thermofluids Institute | Training

Doctoral (DPhil) Degree
In addition to the CDT in Future Power and Propulsion, applicants wishing to complete a full-time or part-time DPhil in thermofluids should apply for the DPhil in Engineering Science, indicating their interest in thermofluids and aerospace engineering as part of their personal statement.
Applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors in their area(s) of interest to identify research projects that are best suited to their skillset and aspirations.
Several scholarships are available to cover post-graduate tuition fees and living expenses. Applicants are encouraged to check which of these funding schemes they are eligible for, and to apply to be considered for them as part of the post-graduate application process.
Master by Research (MSc) Degree
The MSc by Research in Engineering Science provides graduates with the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and expertise in their chosen field of engineering research, well beyond the level of a taught master’s degree, but without the requirement to complete as much novel research as a doctoral student. Students develop broad skills in relevant areas of mathematical and computational modelling, in the design and build of apparatus and software, and in data analytics and visualisation.
Undergraduate (MEng) Degree
There is no separate undergraduate course in thermofluids/aerospace engineering but the subject can be studied as part of the general Engineering Science course offered by the University of Oxford where specialisation is possible in the latter years. Interested students should follow the normal application procedure for reading Engineering Science at the University of Oxford.