Oxford Thermofluids Institute | Impact - Research Impact: Turbine Capacity Measurements

Measurement of Turbine Capacity in Jet Engines
Research at the Department of Engineering Science has produced an innovative method for measuring the capacity of jet engine turbines, resulting in a reduction in engine development times and savings of over £6m for Rolls-Royce between 2008 and 2013. Since this method eradicates the need to run a test facility continuously, the technique is superior for making capacity measurements in respects of cost, turnaround time and accuracy.
As a result of this breakthrough, Rolls-Royce ceased in-house turbine testing in 2008, instead using the Oxford Capacity Facility. This has helped Rolls-Royce to accelerate development of its Trent family of engines, enabling the company to deliver a new generation of cleaner, cheaper-to-run engines at much lower cost.
Related Publications
Povey, T., Sharpe, M. and Rawlinson, A. ‘Experimental Measurements of Gas Turbine Flow Capacity Using a Novel Transient Technique’ (2011). ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 133(1).
Hambidge, C. and Povey, T. ‘Numerical and Analytical Study of the Effect of Film Cooling on HP NGV Capacity’ (2012). Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Paper GT2012-69066.
Povey, T. ‘Effect of Film Cooling on Turbine Capacity’ (2010). ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 132(1), 011901 (10 pages).
Beard, P. and Povey, T. ‘University of Oxford Technical Report: XWB HP Vane Capacity Measurement’ (2011). Rolls-Royce Technical Report, Document Number DNS 176980.
Qureshi, I. and Povey, T. ‘Trent 900 HP NGV (‘M’, ‘M-skewed’ and ‘L’ standard) Capacity Measurement in Oxford Capacity Facility’ (2011). Rolls-Royce Technical Report, Document Number DNS 177083. (Confidential, copy on file available on request)
Qureshi, I. and Povey, T. ‘Trent 900 EP1 HP NGV Capacity Measurement in Oxford Capacity Facility’ (2012). Rolls-Royce Technical Report. Document Reference: DNS181647. (Confidential, copy on file available on request)