Supporting The Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Giving to Engineering Science
The Department of Engineering Science is at the forefront of UK engineering research and practice. Every year, new engineering graduates go off to a huge variety of occupations – into designing cars, building roads and bridges, developing new electronic devices, manufacturing pharmaceuticals, into healthcare and aerospace, into further study for higher degrees and in many other directions.
In the department, there are no barriers between the different branches of engineering, and we are involved in a great deal of multi-disciplinary research, collaborating with groups in other departments from Archaeology to Zoology. With such a broad approach, Oxford is well equipped to find answers to the world’s most pressing challenges.
We actively welcome the support of individual donors and organisations.

General support
Donations to the Department of Engineering’s general fund will be directed to areas where there is the greatest need in the Department.
These funds allow us to react to the needs of the department, its research and its students in a flexible and discretionary way. For example, contributions are often used for student support or travel bursaries as well as outreach and access initiatives, such as our Student Ambassadors and International Women in Engineering Day.
Donations of all levels to the general support fund enable engineering activity which would not usually be possible.

As we look to the future, we must ensure that our research endeavour and teaching provision is sustainable for generations to come. Leaving a Legacy gift to the Department of Engineering Science will help support our leading research programmes and exceptional students. Whatever the size, and whether for graduate scholarships, academic positions or to support core activities, every gift is greatly appreciated and contributes to our ongoing success. If you have already left a gift in your will, please let us know so that we have an opportunity to thank you properly. If you would like to know more about leaving a gift to the Department of Engineering Science in your will, please contact Ben Armstrong at

Larger projects
We work with a number of individual philanthropists and organisations in funding specific scholarships, research programmes and capital projects to further the progress of the Department, increase scientific capital and secure the future of engineering research.
For example, by supporting a graduate scholarship, donors enable the very best researchers from around the world to study at Oxford. In these cases, financial circumstances are no longer a barrier to academic progress and success. Students supported by these scholarships form an important part of the department’s constitution, teaching its undergraduates and contributing to its research – in many cases having a great impact in their respective fields. This is success which would have otherwise not been achieved without the backing of donors. Gifts can often be enhanced by a variety of tax-efficient giving initiatives.
If you would like to discuss giving or to visit and see first-hand the impact of philanthropy, please get in touch
Who to contact
Hannah Curwell-Parry
Head of MPLS Development
+44 (0)1865 (2)82580
Tax-efficient giving
Your gift can often be enhanced by a variety of tax-efficient giving initiatives.
The University of Oxford is an exempt charity for the purpose of charity legislation. This means that, although it has charitable status, it is exempt from the requirement to register as a charity with the Charity Commission so it does not have a charity reference number.
There are several schemes available to help donors based in various countries to make tax efficient donations.
UK residents can make tax-efficient charitable donations via a number of routes. As well as this, your employer may operate a scheme whereby it will match gifts you make to charities. You can usually find out about these schemes from your organisation’s human resources department.
If you are a European resident, you may be able to maximise your gift through Transnational Giving Europe (TGE). This is a collaborative giving scheme offered by a partnership of European foundations. It enables donors (both corporations and individuals) resident in one of the participating countries to offer financial support to non-profit organisations in other member countries. Beneficiaries benefit directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence. Country-specific contact details for the scheme are available on the TGE website. The scheme is currently operational for donations from the following European countries:
Belgium • Bulgaria • France • Germany • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Poland • Romania • Slovakia • Switzerland • United Kingdom
Additional information about European cross-border giving can be obtained from the Giving Europe website.
If you are a resident of the USA, you can give to Oxford and its colleges via Americans for Oxford, Inc. This is the University's primary charitable organisation in North America, and has been determined by the United States Internal Revenue Service to be a tax-exempt public charity with 501(c)(3) status.
Oxford Planned Giving is a scheme available to US residents. Planned gifts benefit the University of Oxford while helping you to save taxes, increase your income and pass more on to your heirs. US donors wishing to give shares should contact Americans for Oxford. For more information on tax efficient giving for the US visit:
The University of Oxford is recognised by the Canadian Revenue Agency as a prescribed institution under Section 3503 of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations. On receipt of your donation, we will ensure that you are sent a receipt for Canadian tax purposes.
The University of Oxford encourages its Australian alumni to support the Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund, which was established in 1993 by donations from Australian Oxford graduates. Since 1998, the fund has supported over 50 Australian scholars reading at the University of Oxford.
You can make a donation through the Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund website. After you have made your donation, you will be issued with a receipt for Australian tax purposes.
China and Hong Kong
The University of Oxford China Office Limited is a registered charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The China Office is able to issue gift receipts for Hong Kong tax purposes. Read more at