Bioelectronic Circuits and Systems research and people involved.

Bioelectronic Circuits and Systems
Our Research
To advance bioelectronics for neurological disorders, our team works at the intersection of microelectronics, control systems, systems physiology, and economics. Our primary focus is to design and deploy unique instrumentation that enables first-in-human clinical neuroscience. These instruments also serve as prototypes for commercial translation, including an assessment of the economic factors needed for successful therapy adoption.
Current research programs include
- improving the efficacy of bioelectronic systems in the central and peripheral nervous systems through closed-loop design;
- minimizing invasiveness through advancing transcranial magnetic stimulation;
- probing and modulating sleep patterns with deep brain stimulation; and
- optimizing research tool platforms for scientific discovery with challenging economic constraints (e.g. time value of money colliding with translation timelines).
Researchers interested in joining our laboratory should have a “systems perspective” for tackling hard, but important problems. The research group is centred at the Department of Engineering Science and has connections to many other research groups across Oxford, in the United Kingdom and internationally. We are have significant collaborations with the Nuffield Department of Neurosurgery at Oxford, the Mayo Clinic, and King’s College, London. We are also founding members of the OpenMind consortium, where we support open-source Quality Management Systems. The group is also a distinct programme within the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at Oxford, where we support bioengineering efforts. The Royal Academy of Engineering, DARPA, MRC, NIH, and industry collaborators currently fund the lab’s activities.